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Manage Dermatomyositis Information Hub for Healthcare Professionals
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Manage Dermatomyositis Information Hub
Science Hub
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What is dermatomyositis?
Dermatomyositis belongs to a rare group of systemic immune-mediated disorders known as idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. The disease is characterised by chronic inflammation of the skin and muscles, leading to cutaneous rashes and progressive muscle weakness.

Types of dermatomyositis
Dermatomyositis occurs in adults and also in children (“Juvenile dermatomyositis”). It is classified according to the extent of muscle or skin involvement.

Signs and symptoms
Dermatomyositis is characterised by progressive muscle weakness and a characteristic skin rash, with the onset of the disease acute or insidious. Patients with dermatomyositis can develop a number of complications.

Optimal prognosis in dermatomyositis depends on early diagnosis and treatment. However, diagnosis of dermatomyositis is challenging.

Treatment and disease management
A multidisciplinary team using a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches is needed to manage patients with dermatomyositis.

Stay tuned for information on meetings around the world where the latest advances in dermatomyositis are discussed. Find out about recent and upcoming events below.